The Longest Walk (PC) @ 'Game On' - The National Museum of Scotland

Hey again!

It is with great pleasure to announce that The Longest Walk is currently featured in the Barbican-curated exhibition 'Game On' at the National Museum of Scotland! My game is situated in the Ever-evolving Worlds section:


"Ever-evolving worlds

How will we play videogames in the future?

From Pong to Grand Theft Auto, games have changed so much over the last 50 years. In this final section, we explore the endless evolution of gaming. See the medium's rapid development encapsulated in new immersive experiences, creative storytelling and the ever-changing promise of new ways to play.

Today some games advocate for social change, help us explore difficult issues like depression and mental health, or encourage us to keep fit and healthy. What the future  of gaming will look like is down to both changing technology and changes in society. The future of gaming is not set: it's up to you."


It really is an honour for my little ~10-minute-long experience to be showcased alongside games made by Rockstar, 4J, Sony, etc.  The exhibition is chock full of gaming history and I'm glad to not just play a part in this history, but also have the opportunity to teach the next generation of developers at Abertay University.

The exhibition runs from the 29th of June to the 3rd of November. More details and tickets can be purchased through the link below:

Game On Exhibition Link

(Not sponsored by Greggs 😛)

Get The Longest Walk

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